is a work-in-progress tracing the roots of the Calcote (Calcoat, Calcott, Calcutt, Caldcott, Caldecot, Caldecote, Caldecott, Caldicot, Caldicote, Callacott, Caudecot) family as far back as 11th Century England. Our database also includes the roots of many other families including Allen, Britt, Cade, Case, Cutrer, Durr, Jackson, Newell, Smith, Walker and Wall, currently encompassing 29,769 individuals, 10,891 family groups & 4096 surnames. is the culmination of the extensive work and research of Dr. Ralph Victor Calcote and Frances Calcote Brite. The website is owned and operated by Stuart Calcote.

Our master database is continuously updated as new name submissions are added and errors and omissions are corrected. The family tree listed here on the website is updated approximately every six months.